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Developer FAQs

These FAQs will help maintainers and developers understand some part of the code and documents the discussions made during the development.

Why do we use GitHub personal action token (PAT) in GitHub Actions?

Problem with opening and merging PRs using GitHub Actions:

By default, if the token input in any step which triggers workflow (e.g. opening PR or merging PR) is left empty or if you set it to GITHUB_TOKEN, Pull Requests created by the Update Gradle Wrapper action do not trigger any other workflow. So, for example, if you have any on: pull_request or on: push workflow that runs CI checks on Pull Requests, they won’t normally be triggered.

This is a restriction imposed by GitHub Actions to avoid accidentally creating recursive workflow runs (read more).

Here is what you can do to trigger additional

Use a Personal Access Token: create a PAT with the repo scope and add it as a secret into your repository. Then configure the token input to use such encrypted secret.

Note that the Pull Request author will be set to the GitHub user that the PAT belongs to: as Pull Request author, this user cannot be assigned as reviewer and cannot approve it. PR: